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Data Grid - Tree data

Use Tree data to handle rows with parent / child relationship.

To enable the Tree data, you simply have to use the treeData prop as well as provide a getTreeDataPath prop. The getTreeDataPath function returns an array of strings which represents the path to a given row.

// The following examples will both render the same tree
// - Sarah
//     - Thomas
//         - Robert
//         - Karen

const columns: GridColDef[] = [{ field: 'jobTitle', width: 250 }];

// Without transformation
const rows: GridRowsProp = [
  { path: ['Sarah'], jobTitle: 'CEO', id: 0 },
  { path: ['Sarah', 'Thomas'], jobTitle: 'Head of Sales', id: 1 },
  { path: ['Sarah', 'Thomas', 'Robert'], jobTitle: 'Sales Person', id: 2 },
  { path: ['Sarah', 'Thomas', 'Karen'], jobTitle: 'Sales Person', id: 3 },

  getTreeDataPath={(row) => row.path}

// With transformation
const rows: GridRowsProp = [
  { path: 'Sarah', jobTitle: 'CEO', id: 0 },
  { path: 'Sarah/Thomas', jobTitle: 'Head of Sales', id: 1 },
  { path: 'Sarah/Thomas/Robert', jobTitle: 'Sales Person', id: 2 },
  { path: 'Sarah/Thomas/Karen', jobTitle: 'Sales Person', id: 3 },

  getTreeDataPath={(row) => row.path.split('/')}

Custom grouping column

Same behavior as for the Row grouping except for the leafField and mainGroupingCriteria which are not applicable for the Tree data.

Accessing the grouping column field

If you want to access the grouping column field, for instance, to use it with column pinning, the GRID_TREE_DATA_GROUPING_FIELD constant is available.

    pinnedColumns: {

Group expansion

Same behavior as for the Row grouping.

Gaps in the tree

If some entries are missing to build the full tree, the DataGridPro will automatically create rows to fill those gaps.


A node is included if one of the following criteria is met:

  • at least one of its descendants is passing the filters
  • it is passing the filters

By default, the filtering is applied to every depth of the tree. You can limit the filtering to the top-level rows with the disableChildrenFiltering prop.


By default, the sorting is applied to every depth of the tree. You can limit the sorting to the top-level rows with the disableChildrenSorting prop.

If you are using sortingMode="server", you need to always put the children of a row after its parent. For instance:

// ✅ The row A.A is immediately after its parent
const validRows = [{ path: ['A'] }, { path: ['A', 'A'] }, { path: ['B'] }];

// ❌ The row A.A is not immediately after its parent
const invalidRows = [{ path: ['A'] }, { path: ['B'] }, { path: ['A', 'A'] }];

Children lazy-loading

To lazy-load tree data children, set the rowsLoadingMode prop to server and listen to the fetchRowChildren event or pass a handler to onFetchRowChildren prop. It is fired when user tries to expand a row, it recieves the parent row object and a helpers object as parameters which has the following signature.

interface GridTreeDataLazyLoadHelpers {
  success: (rows: GridRowModel[]) => void;
  error: () => void;

interface GridFetchRowChildrenParams {
  row: GridRowModel | undefined;
  helpers: GridTreeDataLazyLoadHelpers;

The onFetchRowChildren handler is fired when the data for a specific row is requested, use it to fetch the data and call helpers.success(newRows) and helpers.error() respectively in case of success or error to let the grid update the related internal states.

To enable lazy-loading for a given row, you also need to set the isServerSideRow prop to a function that returns true for the rows that have children and false for the rows that don't have children. If you have the information on server, you can provide an optional getDescendantCount prop which returns the number of descendants for a parent row.

async function onFetchRowChildren({ row, helpers }: GridFetchRowChildrenParams) {
  try {
    const childRows = await fetchRows(row);
  } catch (error) {

  isServerSideRow={(row) => row.hasChildren}
  getDescendantCount={(row) => row.descendantCount}

Following demo implements a simple lazy-loading tree data grid using mock server.

Full example